Posted by: Stephanie Tuck | November 17, 2010

Thank Your Lucky Stars

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Here’s a heartstopper. My mom and stepdad had a terribly close call this weekend when two tires of their car blew out as they were driving. On  the highway.  In the fast line. They spun around twice and  careened across  4 lanes of oncoming traffic, only to end up, UNHARMED, in the breakdown lane. Are you kidding me????????? When my mom called to tell me (and retell, and retell again) the story, we both laughed so hard and so nervously that  tears ran down our faces.Wait, wait. What was the part again of the look on Stuart’s (my stepdad) face?  Wa ha ha! Oh my God!
But, seriously, all joking aside, THANK God.
My mom believes in fate and thinks there’s a reason nothing tragic occurred that day. I am less inclined to subscribe to a great watchmaker  and I reside somewhere in the  agnostic camp but I must say stories like hers bring out the prayers in me and wood-touching and finger-crossing and puh-puhing and any little magical thing I can do to keep this good luck protecting my family and other people I love.  I think accidents are random and things can happen to us that are way out of our control and have no rhyme or moral reason.  But it is so so  nice when arbitrary crazy good luck swings in your favor, when the scary story has a happy ending. Kind of a blessing, really.
So take a look at the video above and maybe think about what you’re thankful for . If you are a subscriber and the video does not appear, you may need to click “enable links” at the top of the email or click the headline of the post inside your email. This short film made me laugh and smile as I headed out into New York City to dare to seize another day.  Here’s to you,  mom and Stu. I  thank your lucky star and  I feel so fortunate.  xoxo Steph


  1. Wow, I’m glad your family is okay! I watched this with one eye closed…I kept wincing at the incredibly close calls…It really makes you think twice about your life, and how everything can change in the blink of an eye. Really great post, I enjoyed it!


  2. Thank goodness that they are okay, seriously!!! Lucky shining stars indeed!


  3. Great story, Steph. Very appropriate to the season too. I am so glad it all worked out.

    And the blog is looking great!!!! Is there a book here?


  4. fantastic site–looking forward to seeing you for dinner..


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